Ferrari - Road and Race Masterpieces
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Jörg Walz
Ferrari - Road and Race Masterpieces

ISBN: 978-3-613-04670-2
Titel-Nr.: 04670
Einband: gebunden
Seitenzahl: 204
Abbildungen: 600 Bilder
Format: 215mm x 280mm
Erschienen: 05/2024
Preis: 39.90 €
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Born on the racetrack, elevated to a global brand through Enzo Ferrari's dedication, nurtured by the passion of its fans and drivers, every Ferrari is an experience - as is this magnificent work, initiated and inspired by the National Automuseum - The Loh Collection. Celebrated author, Jörg Walz, presents the most beautiful, the most glorious and the fastest of the red racers from Maranello. But in addition to the icons shown here, this outstanding book is also about individuals and engineers, about winners and tragic heroes born under the sign of the Cavallino Rampante. Altogether, it’s an extraordinary collection conceived and collated for the Ferrari connoisseur.


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